The applicant for shipbuilding insurance may be owners of ships under construction or shipyards. 船舶建造保险的投保人可以是船东,也可以是船厂。
If the premium has not yet been paid, the applicant for insurance shall pay the premium earned by the insurer by the termination. 未交付者,要保人应支付终止前已到期之保险费。
The original copy of applicant XX's Bankbook for Pension, Medical Insurance Book& applicant XX's Social Insurance Card. 申请人的退休工资存折原件、医疗保险证原件。申请人的社会保险卡原件。
The applicant for insurance or the insured insures in order to give the insurance beneficiary economic compensation and security. 投保人或被保险人购买保险是为了在保险事故发生后为受益人提供一种经济补偿和风险保障,无论受益人是投保人、被保险人还是第三人。
As a result of the effect of many facts, such as psychology 、 economy and surroundings, etc, the applicant for insurance fails to perform the informative obligation. 投保人对保险告知义务的违反是心理、经济和环境等多种因素作用的结果。
From the insurance purpose, the author puts forward that insurable interest also applies to the insurance beneficiary who is designated by the applicant for insurance or the insured. 从保险目的的角度考虑,提出可保利益应同样适用于受益人,并经投保人或被保险人指定而产生。
Analysis of Applicant Strategies for Commercial Life Insurance 商业人寿保险的投保策略分析
It is popular that the company is acted as applicant for insurance, but there is great debate in the academic fields. 由公司作为投保人是目前通行的做法,但在学术界存在很大的争议。